British Meat Partner

UK Cattle Sustainability Platform

The UK Cattle Sustainability Platform (UKCSP) is a multi-stakeholder group focussed on driving beef sustainability across the UK and across all aspects of the value chain, from farm to fork. The UKCSP is aligned to the work of the European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability (ERBS)

What is the mission of the UKCSP?

All aspects of the beef value chain are recognised for delivering measurable positive impacts and continuous improvement towards key sustainability priorities.

The UKCSP is focused on delivering meaningful and demonstrable progress on beef sustainability across the UK agriculture sector. The work of the UKCSP is aligned to the ERBS Outcome Targets. 

Why is it needed?

The UKCSP is needed to unite the activities of the UK cattle sector on its sustainability journey. To promote and recognise all aspects of the beef value chain for its delivery of measurable positive impacts and continuous improvements to key sustainability priorities.

The UKCSP represents a multi-stakeholder voice across the beef value chain championing and progressing the sustainability credentials of UK Beef and is linked to major international bodies such as the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef.

Who is involved in the UKCSP?

The UKCSP encompasses over 26 organisations spanning the supply chain from farm to fork. Involvement of any organisation with an interest in improving the sustainability of beef production in the UK is welcomed. 

How is it governed?

The UKCSP is governed by defined governance arrangements and elected Chair and Vice-Chair. In addition, the UKCSP is a Platform as defined by the ERBS

How is it linked to the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef?

The UKCSP is an ERBS Platform, working to deliver the Outcome Targets defined by the ERBS. The ERBS represents the European beef value chain as one voice on the global stage, through its active participation in the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB).

How does it work with other livestock and sustainability groups in the UK?

The UK has a range of diverse production systems with many long-standing schemes, programmes and initiatives in place which aim to improve the sustainability of beef production. The UKCSP brings stakeholders together in a pre-competitive environment to establish a common agenda, encourage mutually beneficial activities and accelerate the delivery of sustainability.

How does it work with NGOs?

The UKCSP welcomes the constructive involvement of NGOs in our future work and direction and would be happy to engage further with interested organisations.

Is it independent?

The direction of UKCSP is defined by its members and the governance arrangements are designed to ensure representation from all parts of the food chain to ensure decisions are taken for collective good. 

Is there a cost?

There is no annual membership fee. However, there is an expectation that signatories to the charter will support the annual reporting required to maintain ERBS recognition. There may be some costs associated with some projects and work streams which will be agreed by the signatories prior to commencement. 


Who decides the priority areas?

The four priority areas are aligned to the ERBS, defined as:

  • Environment
  • Animal medicines
  • Animal health and welfare
  • Farm Management

These were determined using consolidated materiality assessments in several European countries with input from over 150 stakeholders across Europe. Following this, outcome targets were identified in each area and, in 2018, a public consultation was undertaken with the objective of gathering insights and input on these targets. The consultation survey was shared directly with key stakeholders and available online on the SAI Platform website for a period of 60 days.

Through this process, stakeholders provided feedback on the following:

  • Whether the outcome targets were both appropriate and ambitious to drive meaningful
  • progress across a diverse European beef industry
  • The difficulty level to achieve the targets
  • Recommendations for improvement

What are the targets?

1. Environment

Outcome Target: An intensity reduction of 15% in GHG emissions by 2025, with the aim of setting a future target that recognises the positive role beef production can contribute to mitigating climate change through reduction strategies and sequestration

2. Animal Medicines

  • Outcome Target: Total usage of antibiotics below 10mg/Kg PCU by 2023 
  • Outcome Target: Reductions of 50% in the use of HP-CIAs by 2023

3. Animal health and welfare

  • Outcome Target: Target mortality rates are below 1.5%. For systems with mortality rates above this target, a year on year reduction of 20% should be achieved
  • Outcome Target: All animals have access to loose housing (when housed) by 2030
  • Outcome Target: All animals are given pain relief (analgesics) for all surgical procedures and for all forms of castration, dehorning and disbudding

4. Farm management

  • Outcome Target: A reduction in serious accidents (reportable; ref: European Reporting Framework) on farm and a reduction in fatalities with an overall target of zero
  • Outcome Target: Financially viable farms that have a business plan in place

How were the targets defined?

  • The targets were defined based on materiality analysis responses from stakeholders across the UK and Europe.

Are there UK specific target?

At the UKCSP meeting in November 2020 the UK agreed to go beyond the ERBS targets in two areas:

  • a net zero ambition for the UK
  • to adopt the current RUMA targets as announced in November 2020

Do the targets align with other existing programmes?

Where possible, the targets align with leading existing initiatives in action across the UK and Europe.

How can people get involved in the UKCSP?

The UKCSP welcomes new members and to find out more contact:
John Royle
Vice Chair,